Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Broken Flowers

Critics are raving about Bill Murray's latest foray into minimalism. Apparently said critics are utter fools. The word to best describe this film is USELESS. The supremely slow pace kills an otherwise mediocre piece. The would be classic ending feels like an entirely different movie. Overall, Broken Flowers is brilliant in exactly zero ways. It is not visually stimulating, the characters are not interesting or well developed, the direction and editing are poor, the story does not draw you in or conclude itself, it makes no great statement about culture or the human condition and it is not amusing. Sure the soundtrack is alright, and Murray plays the best emotionless, uninterested lead around. But we've seen Murray do that before, and if i want an alright soundtrack i'll go to Best Buy and pick up whatever CD they've got on sale for 8.99

1 out of six neurotic x-flames